I was int he same spot as LaLA but without admin powers....this guy was like 76-20 when i cam in and i cud see why...he was staring threw walls and the goin up when their heads were turned... then killed them all...he did that almost evry round bu then when it was like n open field battle he died..
like he cudnt handle it without looking threw walls...
another senerio....him v 2 guys...i is ct spawn 1 is long...hes on plat...
he never saw ether the whole round and they were both walking....they both came from b...1 goes ct spawn(walking) and 1 goes long A wlaking..
He NEVER looked CAT once...but stared at long and ct spawn...
Who doesn't look at cat with two guys coming from B...Not even a glance..?
He ends up hs both and winning the round...when he left he was like 114-34 somethn like that..
Lala good choice but i still think u shudve kicked him....just kick...but ur decision is respected....