Sig from jag server has some kind of anger problems (just saying). Were at cat and im shooting across to the other side while theres one person lower that kills us. He goes thanks chickens and i just reply with yup, its just a pub and my bad i wasn't looking there. Then he responds with "fucking goo". So I just say "chill". Then he goes don't tell me what to do and kicks me. So I'm like ok and i rejoin to play and say "who kicks someone for telling them too chill" when obviously he was telling me what to do and i responded like any normal person would. Then he says "not another word" which to what i nicely respond with "why so mad?" because i just wanted to figure the situation out and talk to him normally and i get banned. Giving 12 year olds admin is a bad idea and ofcourse they're gonna abuse it when they get their panties in a bunch (just saying). Thank you for your time.