For everyone out there if you see a hacker please dont blurt out "HE'S FUCKING HACKING. BLAH BLAH IS HACKING OMFG BAN HIM CALEH (etc...)." Chances are by the time I or another admin spec him he is going to toggle off. Im tired of people yelling at me to ban someone when I havn't had a chance to spec him myself.
Im not going to ban him on your word alone. I will spec him and then if I think he hacks I will banshot him. Get off my back about banning everyone who you think hacks!
Add me on steam friends and tell me that the kid is hacking or type to the admins in Admin chat! You can do that by pressing your say_team(u) button and then adding @.
say_team:@ Caleh can you please spec blahblah. I think he hacks!